7 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

Getting injured due to someone else’s negligence does a lot of damage to a person, be it physically, financially, or emotionally. This is why just about anyone you talk to will ask you to hire a personal injury lawyer. And they’re right!

A personal injury lawyer, especially one you can find on websites like www.cbpw-law.com, brings tons of benefits to your case. They can

  • Help determine liability
  • Calculate fair compensation
  • Tackle insurance adjusters
  • Negotiate with insurance companies
  • Represent you in court

As advantageous as they are, it is important to hire the right person for the job. This is what this article aims to achieve. It lists 7 common mistakes often committed by victims when hiring personal injury lawyers. Read on to find out what they are.

  • Jumping to the first option you find

This mistake is often committed by victims who’re desperate for any kind of assistance. They’ll simply search for a lawyer and go with the first option they find. Choosing a lawyer this way is like rolling a die. You never know what you’re going to get.

Hiring a lawyer requires a lot of research. You must choose a handful (or more, if possible) of lawyers and then filter them based on your needs and their expertise. Extensive research is the only way you’re going to find quality lawyers.

  • Opting for someone who’s not from your locality

The US has 50 states. Not all states follow the same set of laws. This is why it is important to choose a local lawyer to handle your personal injury case. A local lawyer has comprehensive knowledge of all the laws related to a specific city or state. Hiring them gives you the upper hand when seeking compensation for your losses.

  • Not looking at the lawyer’s field of expertise

Personal injury law has multiple fields. Car accidents fall under personal injury, but so do dog bites and slip and fall accidents. It’s easy to hire a lawyer from a different area of expertise in something as vast as personal injury law.

This is why it is recommended to ask about the potential lawyer’s area of expertise, preferably during the initial phone call. This will save much hassle down the line.

Whether you like it or not, legal assistance is going to cost money. But that shouldn’t deter you from hiring a lawyer, as most of them work on a contingency fee arrangement.

That aside, it’d be wise to decide on a budget before hiring a lawyer. The lawyer’s cut in a contingency fee arrangement depends on their reputation and their success rate. Sometimes, this can be as high as 45%. If you find this unacceptable, it’d be wise to plan a budget and choose a lawyer who meets those requirements.

  • Overlooking experience and success rate

A lawyer’s success rate and experience have an important role to play in a personal injury case. An experienced lawyer has great knowledge about the common challenges that may pop up in the case and will act accordingly. They’re also adept at determining the worth of your case. This is something lawyers who lack experience cannot do.

The success rate is another crucial factor to consider. A lawyer’s experience can be completely disregarded if they have a high number of botched-up cases. So make sure to check the lawyer’s success rate before hiring them.

There might be numerous reasons why you may be unable to meet a lawyer. You either have serious injuries that require extensive bed rest or it might be because of sheer laziness.

If it’s the former, have a family member or a friend meet the lawyer in person.

If it’s the latter, push yourself to set up a meeting.

Meeting a potential lawyer in person is important. A meeting helps determine whether the lawyer is a good fit for your case, their professionalism, and their communication skills, all of which contribute to your personal injury case.

  • Not asking enough questions

This mistake is related to the previous one. Asking questions, especially the right ones, is vital to any personal injury case. Ask questions, no matter how silly you think they are. Whether it’s asking about the case, the law firm, or the lawyer themselves, don’t hesitate to ask whatever pops into your mind.


You will need the services of an experienced personal injury lawyer to increase the success rate of your case. They can offer all the help you need to get fair compensation.

Take your time and choose a personal injury lawyer who fits your needs. Hiring the wrong one can be disastrous to your health and your personal injury claim.

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