AIR announces next phase in USAF Agility Prime Program

AIR, the creator of leading edge electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft, recently announced a key development in its collaboration with the United States Air Force’s AFWERX Agility Prime program.

This collaboration marks a significant step in advancing the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) industry, and marks the next phase in AIR’s journey to make personal air mobility a reality for everyday consumers.

AIR’s Acceptance to AFWERX Agility Prime Program

Back in 2022, AIR earned its spot in the prestigious AFWERX Agility Prime program, showcasing its commitment to driving innovation in the aviation sector.

Fast forward to the present, AIR has successfully completed the program’s third phase, solidifying its dedication to advancing the AAM industry.

The company has now entered into a formal agreement with AFWERX, propelling its mission to transform the future of aviation.

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AIR’s Expansion Plans

As part of its strategic growth, AIR is actively scouting multiple locations to bolster its American presence.

This expansion aligns with the company’s vision to continue flight testing of its inaugural eVTOL aircraft within the United States.

This move not only strengthens AIR’s footprint in the country but also positions it as a key player in shaping the future of air transportation.

AFWERX Partnership’s Role

The collaboration with AFWERX is poised to drive continuous development and certification efforts for AIR. This partnership is a crucial step in realizing the dream of making personal air mobility a viable option for consumers’ everyday commutes.

The extensive hours of flight testing conducted in the U.S. will not only benefit AIR but also provide AFWERX with valuable data to assess the suitability of AIR ONE for Air Force logistics missions.

Photo Credits: AIR


AIR ONE, the flagship eVTOL aircraft by AIR, is designed to redefine personal air mobility.

With the capability to take off and land on any flat surface and a substantial payload of 550 pounds (250kg), AIR ONE stands out in the industry.

This all-electric two-seater offers an impressive range on a single charge, reaching speeds of up to 155 mph (250 km/h).

Originally conceived for personal civilian use, AIR ONE’s distinctive size and platform make it a unique reference point for the Air Force.

Meeting and exceeding the requirements set by AFWERX’s Area of Interest (AOI) 2, which focuses on eVTOL aircraft capable of carrying 1-2 people over 10 miles at a speed of at least 45 mph, AIR ONE presents a promising option for Air Force logistics missions.

Rani Plaut on AIR ONE’s Promise

Rani Plaut, CEO and co-founder of AIR, expressed excitement about AFWERX’s recognition of AIR ONE’s unique promise.

With capabilities that surpass AOI-2 requirements, AIR is confident in delivering the freedom of flight to everyday consumers.

Plaut emphasized the collaborative nature of the AAM industry, highlighting the synergy between industry leaders and the U.S. Air Force to accelerate eVTOL takeoff globally.

Versatility Beyond Commuting: AIR ONE’s Applications

AIR ONE’s versatility extends beyond everyday commutes. Capable of accommodating a variety of applications, including eVTOL pilot training, defense, cargo, and agriculture, AIR ONE’s simple and cost-effective design positions it as a multifaceted solution.

The inclusion of eight fixed motors distinguishes AIR ONE from other eVTOLs in the market, showcasing its commitment to mechanical simplicity.

Lt. Col. John Tekell, Agility Prime Branch Chief, highlighted the cost efficiency of eVTOL aircraft through mechanical simplicity.

The successful transition to forward flight with fixed motors underscores the ingenuity of small businesses, with AIR leading the way in achieving mechanically simple designs.

This innovation is predicted to result in lower operations and maintenance costs, further solidifying the economic viability of eVTOL technology.

Milestones Achieved

Emerging from stealth only two years ago, AIR has achieved remarkable milestones with its AIR ONE prototype, also known as AIR ZERO.

Conducting numerous rounds of full-scale, full-weight flight tests, including hover-to-cruise and cruise-to-hover transitions, AIR stands out as one of the industry leaders in eVTOL technology.

Boasting over 800 customer preorders and a growing waiting list, AIR is poised to deliver the first batch of AIR ONE vehicles following aircraft certification.

In addition to its success on the home front, AIR has strategically formed international partnerships with air and sea mobility companies.

This global network ensures efficient service and support for AIR’s expanding community of users. The international collaborations further solidify AIR’s position as a key player in the global landscape of electric air transportation.

“The views expressed are those of the company AIR and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Air Force, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.”

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