ATC Recording During North Korea Missile Tests

One highlight from the early stages of 2023 was the ATC recordings that were published during a missile test from North Korea.

2023 Highlights: ATC Recording During North Korea Missile Tests…

Air Traffic Control feeds from Tokyo highlight the moments after the North Korean regime launched a ballistic missile on December 30.

Such feeds were acquired on December 30 at 2307 Zulu time, with the air traffic controller in Tokyo Control stating the following:

“All stations, Tokyo Control: Object potentially [a] ballistic missile launched from North Korea”.

You can see the full footage from @thenewarea51 on Twitter below:

According to a report from Reuters, three ballistic missiles were launched toward the east of the Korean Peninsula, with the media outlet citing South Korean military officials.

The report also mentions that the missiles were fired at around 2300 GMT, which aligns with the timings in the video feed above.

2023 Highlights: ATC Recording During North Korea Missile Tests
Stefan Krasowski, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

It is understood that the North Korean government is continuing to press on with its weapons development, including nuclear weapons.

At the time of writing (January 2023), it is unclear whether any flights had to deviate from their current positions in order to avoid the ballistic missile.

Such missile tests have been a consistent element throughout this year by North Korea, with all eyes on whether anymore will be conducted in 2024.

Instances like we saw back in January 2023 will no doubt cause more disruption as the frequency of those tests increase.

It will definitely be something to look out for in 2024, that’s for sure.

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