Introducing: “The Last Honest Realtor” Podcast!


I’m not sure if it was in the 2023 year-end blog post, or in the first post of 2024, but at some point, I mentioned that I was going to be adding a podcast to the resume this year, and one of the readers had a great line:

“Perfect.  Just what we need.  Another real estate agent doing a podcast.”

I think he said he was kidding, but even tongue-and-cheek, he’s not exactly wrong.

I’m used to being ahead of these things.  I’m usually the one benefitting from first-mover advantage.

But this time around, I’m quite late to the party.

It does, in fact, seem like every real estate agent out there has a podcast, but that’s hardly a reason for me not to launch my own.

At the risk of seeming like a complete jerk, or sounding like the smug guy in that photo above (not my choice, btw…), I’ve heard a lot of real estate agent podcasts and I don’t like them.

Lots of people are doing it, but nobody is doing it well enough.

A real estate agent doing a podcast where he or she interviews a renowned designer?

Okay.  Sure.

Not my cup of tea.

If it were me listening, I’d want to hear something hard-hitting, edgy, and most certainly something I will not hear from everybody else.

So let me take the same attitude, narrative, and style that’s made Toronto Realty Blog a success over the last seventeen years and transition this to YouTube and Spotify.

Starting tomorrow – Friday, May 31st, I will be uploading weekly episodes to YouTube (for you to watch) and Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you get your podcasts (for you to listen).

Reading, watching, listening.

I know, I know.  You long for a time when one would sit in a well-worn chair, listen to the phonograph, and read the daily newspaper – probably while stoking the fire, which heated the log cabin you were in.

But with so much competition for real estate content, I’m going to switch up the medium, and I hope you’ll join me.

Since podcasts are more conversational in nature and will allow me to explore different topics, I’m open to suggestions for future episodes.  Just have your say below.

And on Friday, I’ll add a link to this blog post for the first episode.

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