Sonara Health’s innovative app enhancing access to methadone treatment

With his background in psychiatry, Michael observed the daily struggles of patients in Opioid Treatment Programs and developed Sonara to offer a more flexible and supportive approach. This groundbreaking solution allows patients to demonstrate responsible methadone use, earn take-home doses faster, and achieve their recovery goals with greater ease.

Liza Laws (LL):​ If you could start by telling us a bit about yourself and how you came to start Sonara?

Michael Giles (MG):​ Sure. I’m a psychiatrist and the CEO of Sonara Health. I started Sonara during my residency training when I got to work in an Opioid Treatment Program (OTP).

MG:​ As you know, in the United States, methadone is primarily dispensed through Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs), and the standard of care requires patients to visit the clinic daily for their dose. During my rotation, I observed patients lining up for hours to receive one dose of methadone, and many were leaving treatment due to various life responsibilities like childcare, work, or education. I advocated for these patients to receive take-home doses, and when I successfully convinced the attending physician, the idea for Sonara was born. Sonara is a platform designed for OTPs and their patients, enabling patients to demonstrate responsible methadone use so they can receive take-home doses earlier in their treatment, ultimately reaching their recovery goals faster.

LL:​ Makes sense. How does the app and QR code system enhance the accessibility of take-home methadone treatments?

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